5 Budget-Friendly Strategies to Promote Your Home-Based Business
If you’re running a small business from home, your advertising budget might be extremely tight or even non-existent. But don’t worry—there are still plenty of ways to get the word out about who you are and what you do.
Depending on how you go about it and how many copies you need, you can spend anywhere from nothing to $25. For example, I know someone who edits academic papers and only uses tear-away flyers on college campuses to advertise. While college students may not be your specific target, you can still take advantage of bulletin boards. Put up flyers at the library or on community boards in local grocery stores and coffee shops. You can also post on online platforms like Craigslist. If you participate in online forums, include your business info in your signature.
Joining a newsletter like The Leads Field Guide can provide you with tips, strategies, and resources (for free) to help grow your leads and close more deals. This costs you nothing.
Local media outlets often love to highlight small businesses in the area. If you’ve got news to share—like launching a new business, offering a new service, or expanding—send a press release to the local newspaper or radio station. Just make sure your press release is well-written!
Local reporters sometimes look for expert opinions for their stories. If you get quoted in an article or invited to talk on a local radio show, it’s great free publicity. Use press releases to let reporters know you’re available as an expert source and are open to interviews.
Business cards remain a classic, effective way to promote your business. They’re cheap to produce and extremely handy. You can give them out at networking events, after service estimates, or to new contacts you want to keep in touch with. They can serve as appointment reminders or offer discounts to new customers.
Lastly, consider being a walking advertisement for your business. If your work requires visiting clients’ homes or other businesses, wearing a branded shirt can make you look more professional and catch the eye of potential local customers wherever you go, like the convenience store or post office. Basically, anywhere you find yourself, there’s a chance to promote your business—from the airport to an industry conference or even your kid’s soccer game.