7 Simple Strategies for Eating Nutritiously When Dining Out
A lot of people do great with healthy eating at home, but once they hit a restaurant, it all falls apart. Massive bar tabs and double desserts can mess with your nutrition goals. But, eating out doesn’t have to ruin your diet. Here are some straightforward tips to help you stay on track even when you’re dining out:
Sticking to a healthy diet can be challenging at restaurants, but a night out doesn’t have to undo all your hard work. Try these 7 simple tips to enjoy eating out while keeping up with your health and fitness goals:
1. **Cut Down on Sugar:** On average, Americans consume over 90 grams of sugar per day, contributing to obesity. When eating out, avoid sugary drinks by opting for water or sparkling mineral water with lemon. Ask for sauces on the side and use them sparingly. Choose olive oil and balsamic vinegar over sugary salad dressings, and consider skipping or sharing desserts.
2. **Handle Alcohol Wisely:** Alcohol is tough to give up, especially in social settings. If you can switch to sparkling water, that’s great. If not, drink alcohol earlier in the evening and hydrate with lots of water before and after. This can help your body process the alcohol better. Limit yourself to two drinks and avoid sugary mixers like soda or juice.
3. **Focus on Healthy Fats and Proteins:** Choose meals rich in healthy fats and proteins, or add a side of them to help you feel full and avoid dessert or processed carbs like bread or white rice. Think butter, avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds, or lean proteins like chicken or fish. These choices keep you in fat-burning mode better than refined carbs.
4. **Load Up on Veggies:** Vegetables are high in fiber and a great choice when dining out. Ask the waiter to replace sides like potatoes or rice with steamed vegetables or a green salad. Most restaurants are happy to adjust meals for you.
5. **Be a Picky Eater:** Don’t hesitate to ask for what you want. If you’re uncomfortable asking for food swaps, mention you have food allergies, and the staff will usually be accommodating.
6. **Drink Water Before Meals:** Drinking a large glass of water before your meal can help you feel full faster, leading to lower calorie intake. Studies show that this habit can help with weight loss. Water also aids digestion and speeds up metabolism. Even slight dehydration can slow your metabolism down.
7. **Stay Positive:** If you indulge and forget all these tips, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back on track the next day. Everyone slips up, but as long as you return to your healthy habits, you’ll continue to progress towards your health and fitness goals.
Got any more healthy eating tips? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments!