things to do

Maximize Your Fitness with Hotel Room Exercises

Maximize Your Fitness with Hotel Room Exercises

Traveling and staying fit can sometimes seem like they don’t mix, but with a bit of planning, you can easily keep up with your exercise routine on the road. The next time you’re traveling, try this simple hotel workout to stay on track—no more excuses!

This workout is ideal for anyone who frequently moves from one hotel to another, whether you’re traveling for business or fun. Many business travelers often complain that they don’t have time to exercise because they’re constantly in airports, on flights, and dealing with jet lag. It’s totally understandable, but it’s time to put those excuses aside.

Some people say they want to work out but can’t because the hotel doesn’t have a gym, or they lack the right equipment. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way. This workout proves that you can exercise whenever you want, even without any equipment—all you need is your own body weight.

Remember to get clearance from a physician before starting any workout routine, no matter how simple it may seem.

Start by stretching before the workout. This helps prevent injuries and makes physical activity easier. Stretching loosens up your muscles and bones, making exercise more effective.

Next, you need to warm up. A good warm-up gets your blood flowing and primes your muscles for more intense activity. Here’s what you can do:

Do each warm-up exercise without stopping and in sequence. Once you’re warmed up, move on to the main workout. It should take about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how much time you can spare.

Try to complete as many circuits of the workout as you can, but don’t push yourself too hard, especially if you’re a beginner. Over time, you’ll learn to pace yourself.

Stay hydrated during and after the workout. After completing the exercises, walk around the room for a few minutes to help your heart rate return to normal and to cool down. Finish up with some stretching.

If you’ve done it right, your muscles will probably be sore for a few days, but don’t let that discourage you—keep on training!