
Cortisol: The Culprit Behind Stress-Related Weight Gain

Cortisol: The Culprit Behind Stress-Related Weight Gain

You barely managed to get the kids to school and your workload is overwhelming. You need to take kid #1 to recital practice by 7 pm, stop by the grocery store, take the dog for a walk, prepare dinner, do the laundry, help both kids with their homework, and try to catch the season finale of NCIS. No wonder you’re stressed!

Stress can really mess with us. Ever notice how you crave fatty, salty foods when you’re stressed? These comfort foods make our brain release feel-good hormones that offer temporary relief, making them a go-to habit when we’re stressed!

Also, your adrenal glands release cortisol during stressful times. This stress hormone, thanks to evolution, helps you cope but can lead to weight gain, especially around your belly. Even if you’re eating right and exercising, constant stress can counteract your efforts because of this physiological reaction.

Before grabbing that doughnut, take 10 seconds to think about what you’re eating, why you’re eating it, and your goals. This might help you pass it up.

Strict diets can stress your body because they lack proper nutrition, causing cortisol release and fat gain. So, by severely limiting calories to lose weight, you might be stressing your body too much to actually lose weight.

When everything feels overwhelming, take five minutes to step out and find some peace and quiet. It can help reduce stress. Meditation is also a fantastic stress-reliever!

You can’t be everywhere at once, even if you try. Delegate tasks when your plate is full. There are people in your life who are willing to help. Accepting help can take some of the weight off your shoulders, and remember, you don’t have to say yes to everything!

Hectic lives often lead to neglecting quality sleep. Sleep is essential for recharging and giving us a break. Don’t skimp on sleep when you’re stressed!

If you’re angry because your day went wrong, consider exercising. Even a high-intensity workout for 15-20 minutes can relieve stress and help manage your anger.

Life is stressful, but to be truly healthy, you need to start reducing some of that stress. Reducing stress and cortisol can help you break through weight loss barriers and avoid stress-related weight gain.

Bonus tip: Have some fun during your day! As hard as it may seem, try to smile and stay optimistic – it’s good for your heart and overall health!