
Seven Common Reasons People Skip Workouts

Seven Common Reasons People Skip Workouts

Facing the truth about our weak exercise excuses can be tough. We’ve all made them, but sticking to a good plan can lead to amazing results. Some experts have shared the common excuses they hear and how to overcome them.

We know everyone is busy, often juggling a packed schedule before adding exercise to the mix. This is where good coaching becomes essential. When people come to a personal trainer, their basic goal is to get in shape. However, we need to dive deeper into why they want to achieve this. Simple reasons like wanting to look better at the beach often surface. Our job is to help clients uncover the deeper reasons behind their fitness goals. A more meaningful reason might be wanting to feel better after a breakup and regain confidence in the dating scene, which boils down to seeking social acceptance. Understanding the root cause of your goals helps in determining if getting fit will really achieve the desired outcome. Knowing this allows clients to better prioritize their fitness plans.

Social acceptance motivates us all, and if someone believes getting in shape will help them achieve this, they are more likely to make time for fitness. As trainers, it’s our job to help clients see health and fitness as a priority.

Injuries do happen, and sometimes rest is required. However, too much downtime can be harmful because movement is healing. A bit of physical activity can promote healing. If someone in a wheelchair can work out, so can you.

Invest in a few pieces of workout equipment for your home, or simply use your body weight. Exercises like push-ups, handstands, and squats can get you in great shape without any equipment.

For parents, workouts should be a priority. Taking a few minutes each day for yourself is important. Staying healthy into old age benefits both you and your children. Plus, setting a good example for them by staying active is invaluable.

One common excuse is not knowing enough about fitness. However, there are countless resources available online, from workouts to instructional videos. Even taking a brisk walk can increase your fitness level. You can start by reading a fitness book or seeking help to get going.

Traveling is no excuse either. Regardless of whether you have a small hotel room or access to a park, you can still exercise using minimal equipment like a jump rope or your body weight.

A classic excuse for missing a training session is forgetting to set an alarm, similar to the old “dog ate my homework” line. This can usually be fixed by checking your alarm beforehand or having your partner remind you if you exercise in the morning.

We’ve all made similar excuses, but it’s time to recognize that they don’t cut it. Stop making them, get moving, and start living the life you deserve!