
Sticking to Your New Year Fitness Goals: A Fresh Approach

Sticking to Your New Year Fitness Goals: A Fresh Approach

As we kick off the new year, it’s common to set goals for ourselves, and one of the most popular is getting in shape or losing weight. Whether it’s guilt from holiday indulgences or fatigue from holiday shopping, the drive to improve ourselves is strong, though succeeding can be tough. Here’s how to make your fitness resolution stick.

Many people give up because they expect immediate results, but losing weight takes time and patience. Instead of fixating solely on weight loss, consider the other benefits of getting fit, like increased energy, slower aging, sharper mental health, and better sleep. Losing weight shouldn’t be your only motivation.

Another key factor is diet. While some people dive into extreme diets like keto or vegan, you don’t have to go to such lengths. You might consider fasting or simply reducing portion sizes by having smaller, more frequent meals instead of three large ones. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to diet—experiment to find what suits you best.

Sometimes, speaking with a life coach, counselor, or therapist can help you understand why resolutions often fail and assist in steering clear of these pitfalls. A professional can turn doubts into opportunities.

People may also fail due to flexible gym memberships that are easy to cancel. If possible, invest in a gym with an annual contract, which might encourage you to commit more fully.

Many beginners push themselves too hard at the gym, attempting every machine or lifting excessive weights, leading to a phenomenon known as DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, which can be discouraging. Ease into your fitness routine, allow your body time to adjust, and avoid overdoing it. Eating more protein can help too.

Mistakes are part of being human; missing a workout or overeating one day shouldn’t derail your progress. Focus on learning from slip-ups rather than dwelling on them, and you’ll recover more quickly.

Finally, consider downloading a fitness app like MyFitnessPal to set goals, track calories, and monitor your progress. This can provide the motivation you need to achieve your resolution.

Turn your resolution into a true commitment and make this year count.