The Impact of Stress on Weight Gain: The Cortisol Connection
You barely got the kids to school, your workload is overwhelming, you need to get your first child to recital practice by 7 pm, pick up groceries, walk the dog, prepare dinner, do the laundry, help both kids with their homework, and hopefully catch the season finale of NCIS – what a day! It’s no surprise you’re stressed!
Stress can really mess with us. Have you ever wondered why you always crave fatty, salty foods when you’re stressed? These comfort foods help release stimulating hormones in your brain to make you feel a bit better, making them a habit when you’re stressed.
Meanwhile, your adrenal glands are pumping out cortisol, the stress hormone. While it’s meant to help you cope with stress, it also makes it easier to gain weight, especially around your belly. Even if you eat well and exercise, constant stress can negate your efforts.
Before you grab that doughnut, take a moment to think about what you’re eating, why you’re eating it, and your goals. Just 10 seconds of thought can help you resist the temptation. Poor diets can also stress your body out, causing more cortisol release and fat gain, even when you’re trying to lose weight by cutting calories.
When everything seems overwhelming, take five minutes to step out and find some peace and quiet. This can help you de-stress and calm down. Meditation is another effective tool to relieve stress.
You can’t be everywhere at once, although you try. It’s time to delegate. There are people in your life willing to help when you’re overloaded—just ask! And remember, you don’t have to say yes to everything.
Don’t forget the importance of good sleep. It helps you recharge and gives you a break from the craziness. Exercise is another great stress reliever. Even if you’re short on time, a 15-20 minute high-intensity workout can help burn off anger and stress.
Life can be stressful, but to be truly healthy, you need to start reducing stress. Reducing stress and cortisol can help you overcome weight loss barriers and avoid weight gain due to stress.
Bonus tip: Have some fun during your day! Smile and stay optimistic—it’s good for your heart!